Patient Stories

Filipino Pancreatic Cancer Patient Expresses High Satisfaction with RoyalLee Cancer Hospital

Interviewer: So, what do you think about your stay in our hospital?

Patient: It's pretty cool! I'm happy to be here.

Interviewer: How are the nurses and the environment here?

Patient: They're very good. They're very approachable, kind, and respectful. They always entertain the patients and are attentive to what you want.

Interviewer: Do you like our environment?

Patient: Yes, of course! I really love it. I like everything, especially your landscaping. The hospital is very clean; everything I really like.

Interviewer: How is your communication with the doctors? We mentioned that your siblings traveled a long way to be here. Have you talked with the doctors?

Patient: The truth is, I'm very lucky because I have a lady doctor who’s not just pretty but also very good at her job. She has a good heart.

Interviewer: How about the services in our hospital? Do you feel comfortable?

Patient: The services are very good, especially the customer service. They are very approachable and kind. I cannot say anything bad—they're excellent.

Interviewer: Thank you for your compliments! Do you like Guangzhou, our city? How about the weather?

Patient: Yes, I like it! The weather is great, and everything is very clean.

Interviewer: We know you visited Canton Tower yesterday. How was your trip?

Patient: I was happy, even though it was cloudy and the rain was heavy.

Interviewer: Can you talk about why you chose to come to China for Mr. Garcia's treatment?

Patient: I heard that the treatment here is advanced, and we don’t have that yet in our country.

Interviewer: Do you like China?

Patient: Yes, I like it! It’s very clean. I was so amazed because I arrived early in the morning around 5:30. When I entered your hospital, wow, I was really amazed because it doesn’t smell like a hospital. I don’t like going to hospitals.

Interviewer: Can you describe more about your feelings about our hospital and our services?

Patient: I feel like I’m in a hotel, seriously! Especially when your room is very clean, and even the food is great. The service is excellent for me; the nurses are very friendly. You don’t feel like you’re in a hospital. I like that the people who enter the room are smiling—the nurses and doctors. I’m very happy with your hospital.

Interviewer: Can you talk about the differences between our hospital and hospitals in the Philippines?

Patient: There are a lot of differences. I have never experienced anything like this. Every time I go to a hospital in my country, you smell the typical hospital odors—medicinal smells. That’s the first thing. The cleanliness here is outstanding, and the staff is very friendly. You will not hesitate to ask them for help.

Interviewer: Have you visited our hospital’s garden?

Patient: Yes, yes! I’m happy with it because on my first day, my brother and I walked around the hospital. It's good; there are a lot of trees and plants, and I enjoyed that.

Interviewer: Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

Patient: Yes, I want to thank Dr. Shu especially. We had a one-on-one conversation the other day, and I was so touched because I could feel her sincerity. She’s very honest about my brother’s condition, and I feel that she’s very attached to her patients. I really appreciate that.

Interviewer: Yes, so do I.

Patient: I often cried when we were talking because I could feel her sincerity. She’s doing all she can to comfort my brother. Even when he says he’s okay, Dr. Shu can sense that he’s not. That shows how sincere she is with us regarding my brother.

Interviewer: Thank you so much!

Patient: Thank you!

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right Customer satisfaction

Regular patient satisfaction surveys reveal that most patients highly commend our efficient and accurate diagnostic services, noting the demeanor of our staff, which eased their anxiety and boosted confidence in subsequent treatments.

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Monthly patient satisfaction surveys show that patients highly rate our outpatient services, praising the smooth process, professionalism and patience of our staff, and expressing great satisfaction with the clinic environment.

right Hospitalization satisfaction

Inpatient satisfaction surveys reveal patients are very pleased with our services, noting skilled and caring staff, as well as a comfortable environment that provides strong support for their recovery.

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