Patient Stories

Bedridden for Three Months with Breast Cancer & Bone Metastasis, Two Interventional Treatments Stand Up

“You know what? I had been lying in bed in my hometown for four months. I could not move my whole body except my head. I could not take care of myself at all. The local doctor also asserted that I would have to lie in bed for at least another six months! Now I have come to Guangzhou Royal Lee Hospital and received treatment from Director Huang Deliang. I can actually stand and walk! This is something I dared not think about ten days ago! I am so grateful to him! ”Ms. Deng (pseudonym), who is about to be discharged from the hospital, told other patients about her experience with great enthusiasm.


Recalling the situation ten days ago when she was incontinent and completely unable to take care of herself, Ms. Deng couldn't help but burst into tears.






In November 2021, Ms. Deng, who lives in Jingzhou, Hubei, was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. She then underwent a left-sided breast-conserving modified radical mastectomy + ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection, followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other treatments to consolidate the results. She thought the disease would be effectively controlled, but she didn't expect that only half a year later, she began to experience pain in her waist, left thigh and back.


Finally one day, she decided to go to the hospital because of the unbearable pain. The doctor gave her a series of symptomatic treatments such as pain relief and acupuncture, but the pain became more and more severe. Not only was it difficult for her to stand and walk, but she even had incontinence. So she had to go to a local large hospital again, and the doctor told her that all this was caused by bone metastasis of the tumor.


▲Ms. Deng

Due to the metastatic lesions in the lumbar spine and anterior sacral region, the cauda equina nerve was compressed, causing Ms. Deng to suffer from incontinence, abdominal distension, and unbearable pain in her left leg. At this time, Ms. Deng could only lie paralyzed in bed, waiting for her family to take care of her. This was a disaster for Ms. Deng, who had always been strong-willed! Fortunately, Ms. Deng had been engaged in the clothing business for many years, which gave her a strong character of not admitting defeat.

Through the introduction of a friend, Ms. Deng learned that Director Huang Deliang of the Minimally Invasive Treatment Center of Guangzhou Royal Lee Cancer Hospital had extensive experience in treating advanced cancer. With a strong desire to survive, Ms. Deng ignored the long journey and took a train from Jingzhou to Guangzhou Royal Lee Cancer Hospital that day.

Two interventional treatments, immediate results

Due to long-term bed rest, Ms. Deng also developed lower limb venous thrombosis and swelling of her left lower limb when she first arrived at the hospital. Director Huang Deliang immediately performed emergency surgery to insert a vena cava leak net to prevent pulmonary embolism, providing Ms. Deng with a safety guarantee. At the same time, he performed lower limb vascular thrombectomy to solve the problem of lower limb swelling. Then he performed personalized interventional perfusion embolization treatment for the tumor.

"If Dr. Huang Deliang hadn't discovered the problem in time and performed an expedited surgery on me that day, I'm afraid I would have died now. It was he who pulled me back from the brink of death. I am so grateful to him! His carefulness and professionalism saved my life.” At this point, Ms. Deng's excited voice began to choke up, “Almost, my whole family was on the verge of collapse.”


▲Ms. Deng in a wheelchair

Three days after the first interventional treatment, Ms. Deng urinated on her own for the first time in three months. “I hugged my sister and cried loudly. I was so excited. For three whole months, I couldn't urinate. My stomach was swollen and hard, which was so uncomfortable. The pain was beyond words. Now I can finally urinate. I am full of confidence in my next treatment! ” Only then did Ms. Deng realize that being able to urinate and defecate normally was such a pleasant and happy thing!


▲Ms. Deng


After the second interventional treatment, the pain caused by the tumor compressing the nerves was significantly relieved, and her appetite also began to improve a lot. After the meal, she chatted with her fellow patients with great interest. Seeing her energetic appearance, her fellow patients encouraged her to try to get out of bed and stand up. Unexpectedly, she could really stand up normally after getting out of bed! Seeing this scene, her sister who took care of her was stunned and couldn't help but shed tears of excitement!

When her sister saw that she could stand normally, she suggested that she try to walk. Under her sister's watchful eyes, Ms. Deng let go of the handrails, and unexpectedly she could really walk safely. Overjoyed, Ms. Deng immediately told her mother the good news and shared the video of herself walking with her family group. Everyone was happy and relieved for her, and they all praised Director Huang Deliang for his excellent medical skills.


▲Ms. Deng is about to be discharged from the hospital


Don't give up, cancer warriors will eventually create miracles

From lying down when she entered the hospital to standing up happily when she was discharged, everything she experienced during this period made Ms. Deng feel mixed emotions. "In fact, some miracles also depend on individuals. Don't give up easily. As long as you meet the right doctor and have a good treatment plan, we cancer patients may challenge miracles and defeat ourselves. Thank you Director Huang Deliang for always encouraging me. Mutual trust is so important." Ms. Deng has always encouraged herself and her fellow patients in this way.

Ms. Deng, who had breast cancer bone metastasis, had been bedridden for three months with incontinence. After two interventional treatments, she was able to urinate and defecate independently and take care of herself in just ten days. Lying down in and walking out is a miracle of life! Ms. Deng, who never gives up, is still writing her own miracle of life.




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