DSA-guided Jejunal Nutrition Tube Placement Surgery

When a retained gastric tube encounters severe esophageal stenosis, performing DSA-guided gastric tube or jejunal nutrition tube placement is the most effective method.
DSA-guided jejunal nutrition tube placement involves placing an extended gastric tube under fluoroscopy with the assistance of DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) in the initial part of the jejunum, approximately 20cm from the beginning. This method directly provides nutritional support to the intestinal tract through the nutrition tube, promoting intestinal motility, maintaining intestinal integrity, reducing bacterial translocation, and lowering energy consumption and high metabolic levels. The placement of jejunal nutrition tube is a method of nutritional support for individuals who cannot eat, have difficulty swallowing, are unconscious or in a coma, have gastric paralysis, severe pancreatitis, digestive tract fistula, severe infections, and postoperative patients of esophageal or gastric procedures.
Compared to other tube placement methods, DSA-guided jejunal nutrition tube placement is a simple procedure with minimal trauma and patient discomfort. It rapidly establishes an enteral nutrition pathway while avoiding the risks associated with blind tube insertion, such as gastrointestinal perforation and massive bleeding.
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