Our Nurses, Our Future! Guangzhou Royal Lee Cancer Hospital Holds Celebration and Commendation Conference for International Nurses Day on May 12

As spring transitions into summer, life flourishes, and in this beautiful season, we celebrate the 113th International Nurses Day. On the morning of May 11, our hospital held a celebration event and commendation conference for International Nurses Day on May 12. The aim was to commend the advanced, boost morale, and showcase the excellent spirit and professional demeanor of modern nursing staff. Members of the hospital leadership team, department heads, and nurse representatives attended the celebration.

Leadership Speeches
At the event, Administrator Wang Jichen delivered a speech, extending holiday greetings to all nursing staff working on the front lines of clinical care. He stated that since the hospital began operations, significant progress has been made in all areas, closely tied to the hard work of the nursing staff. He fully acknowledged the contributions nurses have made in ensuring patient safety and improving medical quality.

Administrator Wang’s speech
Following Administrator Wang’s speech, Deputy Administrator Ma Lanying also delivered a speech, extending holiday greetings to all nurses and highly praising the hard work of the nursing staff over the past year.

 Deputy Administrator Ma Lanying's Speech
Director of the Nursing Department, Ji Hui, gave a speech on behalf of all the nurses, expressing sincere gratitude to the leaders who support nursing work. She vowed to continue embodying the spirit of Nightingale, constantly improving and enriching their professional knowledge and skills, keeping pace with the times, and living up to their responsibilities.

Director of the Nursing Department, Jihui's Speech
Commendation Awards
Based on department recommendations and Nursing Department decisions, ten individuals were jointly selected for awards, including Excellent Quality Control Nurses, Nursing Technology Experts, Nursing Service Stars, and Excellent Infection Control Nurses. The hospital leadership commended the nursing staff, fully showcasing the outstanding achievements of the hospital's nursing team.

Commendation List
- **Excellent Quality Control Nurses:** Zhou Yuduo, Huang Qiongyou, Xiao Miaohua
- **Nursing Skill Experts:** Nong Zhiying, Chen Lihua
- **Nursing Service Stars:** Peng Xili, Zhou Ting, Chen Cuihua
- **Excellent Infection Control Nurses:** Feng Jia, Wen Huahua
Subsequently, the Nursing Department announced the winners of the Science Video Competition, and the hospital leaders awarded the winning departments.

**First Prize:**
- Imaging Unit / "Knowledge About CT Enhanced Examination"

**Second Prize:**
- Medical Oncology Department / "Precautions for Taking Euthyrox"
- Rehabilitation Department / "Postoperative Lung Cancer Rehabilitation Education"

**Third Prize:**
- Medical Oncology Department / "Get Moving, No More Thrombosis"
- ICU / "Embrace of Life: Heimlich Maneuver"
- Anesthesia and Supply / "Preoperative Matters"

**Excellence Awards:**
- Outpatient Department, Nuclear Medicine Department, Health Management Center, VIP Customer Center, Minimally Invasive Interventional Department
Zhou Yuduo, a chief nurse from the Oncology Internal Medicine Department, spoke on behalf of the outstanding nurses, expressing her intention to continue moving forward with honor and responsibility, bringing warmth and care to more patients, and contributing to the hospital's nursing profession.

Event Highlights
The Customer Service and Nursing Teams presented unique customer service etiquette and nurse etiquette demonstrations. Their professional demeanor, uniform etiquette actions, and scenario-based settings highlighted their confident elegance and created a friendly, caring, and positive environment.

Group Photo and Department Visits

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